Tag Archives: Rule Changes


Today, as part of its budget announcement the government indicated its plans to amend the Patent Act, Trade-marks Act and Industrial Design Act to provide statutory privilege for confidential communications with agents and permit CIPO to extend deadlines in cases of force majeure. The government also plans to amend the Copyright Act to implement and accede to the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled and to extend the term of protection of sound recordings and performances for an additional 20 years.

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Here are some updates on previously posted items:

Federal Court Modernization

The Federal Courts Rules have been amended to remove obstacles to greater use of technology by the court. Among other things, the changes permit the registry to maintain an official electronic record, clarifying electronic service, amend the definition of ‘document’ and permit electronic filing. Also, the Federal Court has published a Notice to the Profession regarding obtaining copies from the digital audio recording system used at hearings.

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IP Overhaul

In the past year, legislation in all areas of intellectual property was amended or is in the process of being amended: the Trade-marks Act was amended twice; anti-counterfeiting amendments were made to the Copyright Act and several sections of the Copyright Modernization Act came into force; both the Patent Act and Industrial Design Act were amended to implement the treaties; and amendments to the Plant Breeders’ Rights Act are in the final stages of parliament. I discuss these changes in an article published today.

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