Several amendments to the Trademarks Act and accompanying regulations are coming into force on April 1, 2025. To the Act, the changes include challenges to prohibited marks, limits on relief if there has been no use by the trademark owner, and changes to the discretion of the Federal Court on appeals from the registrar. The amendments to the regulations are directed to cost awards, confidentiality, and case management at the TMOB.
Tag Archives: Rule Changes
Fall Economic Statement
The 2024 Fall Economic Statement includes support for amendments to the Copyright Act to create an Artist’s Resale Right, and the intention to implement a patent box regime.
Federal Court of Appeal
The Federal Court of Appeal has published an updated Consolidated Practice Direction along with an accompanying Notice. This updates the 2023 practice direction. Updates were made to the filing of confidential materials, requests for virtual/hybrid hearings, and the discussion of condensed books/day books/compendia.
Trademark Regulations
Proposed amendments to the Trademark Regulations are published in the Canada Gazette for consultation. The proposed amendments would allow cost awards, case management and confidentiality orders before the TMOB, as well as would allow CIPO to indicate that an official mark holder is not a public authority or has ceased to exist. The changes support amendments to the Trademarks Act that are not yet in force.
Continue reading Trademark Regulations
Federal Court
The Federal Courts Rules Committee announced a “global review” of the Rules and invited comments on several identified proposals, as well as any other proposals for changes to the Rules by July 2nd. Some of the proposals include updates on electronic service and filing, incorporating elements from the consolidated practice notices, and expand roles of associate judges.
Complex Proceedings
The Federal Court has issued an updated consolidated practice direction “Case and Trial Management Guidelines for Complex Proceedings and Proceedings under the PM(NOC) Regulations”. The notice states that the update includes instructions for subsequent case management conferences and timing for submissions on costs.
CIPO has an announced a consultation on the determination of additional term if a patent was issued after a threshold date unless, after accounting for days to be subtracted, the net number of relevant days prior to issuance falls below the threshold outlined in the Act. The consultation also considers extension of time for requesting examination, suspension of examination during late payment of maintenance fees and requesting priority and early publication on the same day. The consultation period is open until September 8.
The Federal Court has published for consultation in the Canada Gazette, proposed amendments to the Federal Courts Rules relating to the costs regime. The proposed changes include: i) separate sections for actions, applications, motion and appeals; ii) only three columns (instead of five currently); iii) additional assessable items; and iv) an overall increase of about 25% to costs awarded under the tariff. The changes also include replacing “Prothonotary” with “Associate Judge” in the Rules. Continue reading Costs
CIPO has announced a consultation on Trademark Opposition Board procedures, including costs awards, confidentiality and case management. Continue reading TMOB
CIPO has announced that maintenance activities will make several online applications inaccessible for portions of Sunday October 2nd and Monday October 3rd including the General Correspondence application for patents, National Entry Request (NER) Online Solution, Patent Maintenance Fee Electronic Service, Patent E-filing, Industrial Design General Correspondence and Copyright General Correspondence. Patent Rule amendments come into force on October 3rd, including excess claim fees and requests for continued examination, that apply to applications where the request for examination is filed on or after October 3rd.