Tag Archives: Read More

IP and insolvency

As published in the Canada Gazette last week, amendments to the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) and Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) relating to IP licenses when the IP licensor becomes insolvent, will come into force November 1, 2019. These amendments were included in Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 2 (Bill C-86). I discussed these amendments in my recent article for Slaw, Intellectual Property Licenses in Bankruptcy Scenarios.

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IP Strategy

Earlier today, the government announced details on three aspects of its IP Strategy (see April 2018 post). This included the Patent Collective pilot program (“$30 million to assist small and medium-sized enterprises in the data-driven clean technology sector with their IP needs”), ExploreIP (tool to “help Canadian entrepreneurs and businesses access valuable publicly owned IP”), and IP Legal Clinics grants (UOttawa, the UWindsor, YorkU and the UdeM will “receive grants to develop or expand their IP legal clinic resources”). Continue reading IP Strategy

Patent Amendments

The new Patent Rules, coming into force on October 30, 2019, have been published in the Canada Gazette Part II. The modernization of the Patent Act and Rules allows Canada to ratify the Patent Law Treaty. Key changes relate to filing requirements, priority claims, agent representation and register, examination and amendments, corrections, abandonments/reinstatements, transfers, due care/third party rights, and divisionals. Continue reading Patent Amendments