Tag Archives: Federal Court

Practice Notices

Three practice notices came to my attention this week:

  • Practice Notice from CIPO for Objection Proceedings for Geographic Indicators under new section 11.13 of the Trade-marks Act
  • Practice Notice and guidance from the Federal Court on the scheduling of applications
  • Customs Notice advising that the Canada Border Services Agency Border Watch Line accepts information on shipments of counterfeit or pirated goods that are dangerous

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Protective Orders

My recent article on the use of protective and confidentiality orders in the Federal Court is available on Slaw. This topic was one of the items discussed last week at the Federal Court town hall and was the subject of an order released last week which stated, “The open court principle is of crucial importance in a democratic society, … Confidentiality orders inherently compromise these fundamental principles and important rights.” Continue reading Protective Orders


Bill C-30, the CETA implementation legislation received royal assent today. The Bill includes amendments to the Patent Act, regarding supplementary protection for pharmaceutical products and altering patent linkage system, and to the Trade-mark Act regarding geographic indicators with grounds of opposition and certain exceptions for prior use, acquired rights and generic terms. Amendments are also proposed to a number of other acts. Implementation regulations are expected any day.

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