Tag Archives: Federal Court

Gene Patents

For those following Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario’s challenge to the validity of certain gene patents in the Federal Court (T-2249-14 – see earlier post), CHEO has announced a settlement:  “the patent holder Transgenomic has agreed to provide CHEO and all other Canadian public sector hospitals and laboratories the right to test Canadians for Long QT syndrome on a not-for-profit basis”.

Continue reading Gene Patents

IP Items

A few items that may be of interest:

  • The United States Supreme Court issued its decision today in Kimble v. Marvel Entertainment, LLC, upholding the rule that a patentee cannot continue to receive patent royalties for sales made after the patent expires.
  • The House of Commons has adjourned for the summer so pending bills, including Bill C-65, amending the Copyright Act to implement the Marrakesh Treaty for the blind, will need to be re-introduced. Bill C-59, the budget implementation bill which includes amendments to the Patent Act, Copyright Act, Industrial Design Act and Trade-marks Act, is still pending before the Senate.
  • The Federal Court has issued a practice notice on the publication of decisions having ‘precedential’ and ‘non-precedential’ value.

Town Hall

Last month, the Federal Court hosted a ‘Town Hall’ for members of the intellectual property bar to discuss various initiatives happening at the Court as part of CBA’s IP Day. Some of the items discussed included the role of Prothonaries, case management, trial scheduling, and upcoming rule changes and practice notices. Thanks to the Federal Court and the CBA National Intellectual Property Section for organizing the event and making a copy of the slides available.

Federal Court Modernization

The Federal Courts Rules have been amended to remove obstacles to greater use of technology by the court. Among other things, the changes permit the registry to maintain an official electronic record, clarifying electronic service, amend the definition of ‘document’ and permit electronic filing. Also, the Federal Court has published a Notice to the Profession regarding obtaining copies from the digital audio recording system used at hearings.

Continue reading Federal Court Modernization