Darren Thorne, Member, Refugee Appeal Division, at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada in Toronto, and Andrew J. Brouwer, Senior Counsel, Refugee Law Office, at Legal Aid Ontario in Toronto were appointed Judges of the Federal Court. Appointments were also made today to the courts in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec.
Tag Archives: Federal Court
Danielle Ferron, Partner at Langlois Lawyers LLP in Montréal, was appointed a Judge of the Federal Court. Appointments were also made today in British Columbia, Quebec, Ontario, and the Tax Court.
Kirkland G. Shannon, Director General and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Law Commission of Canada in Ottawa, was appointed an Associate Judge of the Federal Court. Appointments were also made today to the Tax Court, and courts of New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, and Alberta.
Continue reading Appointments
Meaghan M. Conroy, Partner at MLT Aikins in Edmonton, was appointed a Judge of the Federal Court. Appointments were also made today in Quebec, Ontario, Newfoundland and Labrador, Alberta and to the Tax Court. Continue reading Appointments
Federal Court
- Justice Martine St-Louis was appointed today as Associate Chief Justice of the Federal Court.
- In a publication earlier this month, Chief Justice Crampton is cited regarding funding of the court: “the court is in “crisis” and considering cutting hearings due to a worsening budget shortfall”.
Federal Court
The Federal Court has issued an updated “Case and Trial Management Guidelines for Complex Proceedings and Proceedings under the PM(NOC) Regulations” and timetable checklist for PM(NOC) proceedings.
Love Saint-Fleur, Commissioner for the Refugee Appeal Division at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada in Montréal, was appointed a Judge of the Federal Court. Appointments were also made today in Ontario, Nova Scotia, British Columbia and to the Tax Court.
The Honourable Panagiotis Pamel, a Judge of the Federal Court, was appointed a Judge of the Federal Court of Appeal. Associate Judge Benoit Duchesne of the Federal Court in Ottawa, was appointed a Judge of the Federal Court.
Judges’ Dinner
Looking forward to catching up with friends and colleagues at the CBA IP Day and Judges’ Dinner in Ottawa on Thursday – let me know if you will be attending as well.
Federal Court
The Federal Court has issued an updated practice notice on “The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Court Proceedings” that addresses issues the scope of the declaration on AI generated material filed with the court. This updates the practice notice that was originally issued in December.