Tag Archives: Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Canadian Trademark Firms for 2012

As mentioned earlier this month, about 50,000 trademark applications were filed in Canada in 2012. Of these, about 20% were filed in-house or without an agent (about the same as in 2011). Gowlings, Smart & Biggar and Bereskin & Parr were the firms that filed the most trademark applications. Check out my list of the 50 firms/agents that filed the most applications in 2012.

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Proposed changes to final action patent practice

Proposed changes to the Patent Rules were published in the Canada Gazette relating to the handling of patent applications after a “Final Action”. The proposed changes include permitting a review of the entire application and allowing the application without returning it to the examiner from the Patent Appeal Board.

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Proposed changes to Patent and Trade-mark Agent Examinations

Proposed regulations were published in the Canada Gazette relating to the patent agent and trade-mark agent examinations. The proposed changes include requiring lawyers to write the trademark agent exam to become agents and introducing more flexibility for running the patent agent exam.

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