The Canadian Patent Office has allowed the ‘one-click’ patent application and the final fee has been paid. The application, CA2,246,933, was subject of the recent Federal Court of Appeal decision 2011 FCA 328 on patentable subject matter.
Justice Crampton has been appointed Chief Justice of the Federal Court. Mary Gleason has been appointed a judge of the Federal Court. She was formerly a lawyer at Norton Rose practising labour, employment and human rights law. Continue reading New Federal Court Judge and Chief Justice→
A five member panel of the Ontario Court of Appeal has released a decision in Combined Air Mechanical Services Inc. v. Flesch, 2011 ONCA 764 on the scope of summary judgment under recently amended Rule 20 of the Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure.
There are 5 copyright appeals being heard at the Supreme Court this week. All are being webcast live and the written submissions of the parties and interveners are available.
In a decision published by CIRA (PDF), a dispute panel of three members held that the domain name <> be transferred to the complainant. The panel was the first panel to consider the new Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy that came into force in August.
The Federal Court of Appeal has released its decision in on patentable subject matter (PDF). The Court held that determination of patentable subject matter must be based on a purposive construction of the claims and discussed the requirements for patentability but remanded the application back to the Commissioner for claim construction and reconsideration. Continue reading Federal Court of Appeal releases decision→
The European Court of Justice issued a judgment in Scarlet v. SADAM (C‑70/10) deciding an injunction requiring general content filtering by an ISP for possible copyright infringing materials contravened EU directives.
Over the last while I have added several new features to the daily email including improved identification of judges for FC and FCA decisions, results for TMOB and CIRA decisions and identification of appeals and medicinal ingredients at the FCA. You can modify your subscription preferences using the email manager.