
Implementing regulations for the new College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents are published in the Canada Gazette for a 30 day consultation. The regulations and transition provisions would provide for the transfer of responsibility for agents, including entrance examinations and conduct, to the new college. The regulations would establish an Investigations Committee and the Discipline Committee with a majority of public members, impose a residency requirement on agents, and replace ‘firm’ agents with the option to appointment of all the patent agents at the same firm.

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Private Member’s Bill, C-272 was introduced: “An Act to amend the Copyright Act (diagnosis, maintenance or repair)” would add section 41.121 to the Copyright Act to modify TPMs to allow a person to circumvent “a technological protection measure that controls access to a computer program if the person does so for the sole purpose of diagnosing, maintaining or repairing a product in which the computer program is embedded”.

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A private members bill, S-225, “An Act to amend the Copyright Act (remuneration for journalistic works)” was introduced today: “If a journalistic work … is reproduced or published on a digital platform that is owned or controlled by a designated digital platform provider, the Canadian journalism organization that owns the copyright in that journalistic work is entitled to remuneration.” Continue reading Copyright

Canadian Intellectual Property