Trademark Backlog

CIPO has published two practice notices directed to the backlog of trademarks awaiting examination:

  • Requests for expedited examination – “effective immediately the Office will begin accepting requests for expedited examination of trademark applications” on the basis of court proceedings, combating counterfeit products, protect marks on online marketplaces, or to preserve claims of priority.
  • Measures to improve timeliness in examination – the Office will prioritize applications with statements of goods or services selected from the pre-approved list, issue fewer examination reports prior to refusal, and will provide fewer examples of goods or services that would be acceptable in reports.

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Proposed amendments to the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations have been published for consultation in the Canada Gazette to expand the definition of a “claim for medicinial ingredient” to include salts so that “the scope of protection under the Regulations corresponds to the type of activities contemplated under the proposed amendments to the [Food and Drug Regulations]”. Continue reading PM(NOC)


The 2021 federal budget released today, touches on several intellectual property matters including “$90 million over two years, starting in 2022-23, to create ElevateIP, a program to help accelerators and incubators provide start-ups with access to expert intellectual property services”, “$75 million over three years, starting in 2021-22, for the National Research Council’s Industrial Research Assistance Program to provide high-growth client firms with access to expert intellectual property services.”, deductions for certain “digital assets and intellectual property” and “Expanding loan class eligibility to include lending against intellectual property and start-up assets and expenses”.

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The government has launched a consultation on “a Modern Copyright Framework for Online Intermediaries”, seeking comments until May 31. The consultation includes issues of intermediaries’ safe harbour protections against liability for copyright infringement, how intermediaries’ knowledge of infringement and content-related activities affect their liability as well as their attendant obligations,  remuneration of rights holders through collective licensing of their copyright-protected content on certain platforms,  transparency in rights holders’ remuneration and online uses of their content; and rights holders’ enforcement tools against intermediaries, including by way of a statutory “website-blocking” and “de-indexing” regime. Continue reading Copyright

Federal Courts

Proposed amendments to the Federal Courts Rules were published in the Canada Gazette for consultation for 60 days. The amendments are in three parts: enforcement of orders, limited scope representation, and proportionality/abuse of process and FCA motions. Among the changes, Rule 3 would be amended to “These Rules shall be interpreted and applied (a) so as to secure the just, most expeditious and least expensive determination of every proceeding on its merits outcome of every proceeding; and (b) with consideration being given to the principle of proportionality, including consideration of the proceeding’s complexity, the importance of the issues involved and the amount in dispute.” Continue reading Federal Courts

Canadian Intellectual Property