The following patterns are accepted:
- Canadian Patents: CA1234567
- Patent Appeal Board Decisions: PAB1289
- US Patents and applications: US1234567, US20010029814
- US Design Patents: USD432123; US Plant Patents: USPP08901; US Reissue: USRE12345
- EPO Patents and applications: EP1322145, GB209045, FR2497909, WO03075629, CH19620004860, EP20010125073
- PCT Applications: WO2006051403
Patents can also be retrieved page-by-page from the US Patent Office, the European Patent Office or the Canadian Patent Office.
Any comments or suggestions on usability, selection of available patents, or anything else would be appreciated.
Patent Retriever Software Updated: August 2010
Based on software from pat2pdf and freePat, both available under the GPL.