
Leuthold v. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 2014 FCA 173

Justice Pelletier; Justice Mainville; Justice de Montigny - 2014-06-27

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Ms. Leuthold appeals from the judgment of the Federal Court, reported as Leuthold v. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 2012 FC 748, in which she was awarded damages and other remedies against the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation as a result of the admitted infringement of her copyright in five images taken during the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Ms. Leuthold appeals because the Court awarded her damages of US $20,000 when her claim was for $22 million. The difference between these two numbers depends largely on the number of times Ms. Leuthold’s copyright in the images was infringed which is the major issue in this appeal.

Decision relates to:


Canadian Intellectual Property