Category Archives: Daily Alert

IP Overhaul

In the past year, legislation in all areas of intellectual property was amended or is in the process of being amended: the Trade-marks Act was amended twice; anti-counterfeiting amendments were made to the Copyright Act and several sections of the Copyright Modernization Act came into force; both the Patent Act and Industrial Design Act were amended to implement the treaties; and amendments to the Plant Breeders’ Rights Act are in the final stages of parliament. I discuss these changes in an article published today.

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Third Round

On Friday, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held in Ultramercial, Inc. v. Hulu LLC that the claims to a method of distributing copyrighted media over the Internet were directed to unpatentable subject matter . The U.S. Supreme Court had previously remanded the proceeding back to the CAFC after Myriad and again after Alice when, in both previous cases, the court had found the claims patentable. Continue reading Third Round