All posts by Alan Macek


Proposed “Regulations Amending the Patented Medicines Regulations” have been published in the Canada Gazette for a 75 day consultation. According to the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement, “This proposal would amend the Patented Medicines Regulations (“Regulations”) so that the PMPRB’s regulatory framework includes new price regulatory factors and patentee price information reporting requirements that will help the PMPRB to protect Canadian consumers from excessive prices.”

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Practice Notices

Three practice notices came to my attention this week:

  • Practice Notice from CIPO for Objection Proceedings for Geographic Indicators under new section 11.13 of the Trade-marks Act
  • Practice Notice and guidance from the Federal Court on the scheduling of applications
  • Customs Notice advising that the Canada Border Services Agency Border Watch Line accepts information on shipments of counterfeit or pirated goods that are dangerous

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