The Federal Court has published a consultation on its 2020-2025 Strategic Plan and is seeking comments until September 13, 2019. The consultation asks what should be the Court’s priorities, including on digitization as well as a reflection on its previous strategic plan.
All posts by Alan Macek
Earlier today, the members of the new board for the new College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents were announced. Jeffrey Astle, Karima Bawa, Thomas G. Conway, Ruth McHugh and Douglas B. Thompson will serve as directors. See earlier posts on seeking candidates and Bill C-86.
Patented Medicines
The final amendments to the Patented Medicines Regulations have been published, coming into force July 1, 2020. The regulations relate to the factors and procedures to be considered by the Patented Medicines Prices Review Board. Continue reading Patented Medicines
IP Strategy
Earlier today, the government announced details on three aspects of its IP Strategy (see April 2018 post). This included the Patent Collective pilot program (“$30 million to assist small and medium-sized enterprises in the data-driven clean technology sector with their IP needs”), ExploreIP (tool to “help Canadian entrepreneurs and businesses access valuable publicly owned IP”), and IP Legal Clinics grants (UOttawa, the UWindsor, YorkU and the UdeM will “receive grants to develop or expand their IP legal clinic resources”). Continue reading IP Strategy
Patent Law Treaty
Yesterday, Canada deposited the instrument of ratification of the Patent Law Treaty. This follows publication of the Patent Rules and the announcement of the coming into force date of October 30, 2019. Continue reading Patent Law Treaty
The website is now working again. This week it has been inaccessible due to a network problem which has meant that most of the links in the emails were not working. Sorry for any inconvenience. Please let me know if you notice anything still not working.
Patent Amendments
The new Patent Rules, coming into force on October 30, 2019, have been published in the Canada Gazette Part II. The modernization of the Patent Act and Rules allows Canada to ratify the Patent Law Treaty. Key changes relate to filing requirements, priority claims, agent representation and register, examination and amendments, corrections, abandonments/reinstatements, transfers, due care/third party rights, and divisionals. Continue reading Patent Amendments
Patent Amendments
The amendments to the Patent Act and Patent Rules will come into force October 30, 2019. Orders in Council will be published in July with the amended Patent Rules and authorization to ratify the Patent Law Treaty.
Janet Fuhrer of Ridout & Maybee was appointed a judge of the Federal Court. Judicial appointments were also made today in Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba.
Justice Anne Mactavish, a Judge of the Federal Court was appointed yesterday to the Federal Court of Appeal. Appointments were also made in Ontario, British Columbia, Nova Scotia and Quebec.