All posts by Alan Macek

Trademark Amendments

Several amendments to the Trademarks Act and accompanying regulations are coming into force on April 1, 2025. To the Act, the changes include challenges to prohibited marks, limits on relief if there has been no use by the trademark owner, and changes to the discretion of the Federal Court on appeals from the registrar. The amendments to the regulations are directed to cost awards, confidentiality, and case management at the TMOB.

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Happy New Year!

Thank you for another year with IPPractice! In 2024, I sent out just over 500,000 emails to about 2300 subscribers. I reported about 180 IP-related court decisions and over 320 new IP proceedings started in the Federal Courts. 2025 will be my 20th year of sending out IPPractice emails! All the best for the new year!