All posts by Alan Macek

Third Round

On Friday, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held in Ultramercial, Inc. v. Hulu LLC that the claims to a method of distributing copyrighted media over the Internet were directed to unpatentable subject matter . The U.S. Supreme Court had previously remanded the proceeding back to the CAFC after Myriad and again after Alice when, in both previous cases, the court had found the claims patentable. Continue reading Third Round

Some IP-related items

  • Eli Lilly’s memorandum in the NAFTA arbitration on the ‘promise’ doctrine has been posted.
  • Justice Marc Noël was appointed Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Appeal replacing the Honourable Pierre Blais, who retired earlier this year.
  • CIPO has announced a consultation on Modernization the IP Community, a report on the regulatory framework for trademark and patent agents prepared with IPIC, AIPPI and FICPI, of which I had a small part on one of the working groups.
  • I am attending the AIPLA Annual Meeting this week. Let me know if you are planning on being there as well.

Search Tools

For searching the Canadian Patents Database, I’ve  prepared a Chrome/Firefox extension that permits searching by number with commas (ie “2,345,678”) in both the basic and number search fields – see tools.