November 29th is the deadline for applying to write the Patent Agent Exam in April 2014. This may be the last year for the exam under the current rules as amendments to the Patent Rules affecting the Patent Agent Exam (and the Trade-marks Agent Exam) are likely to be released in the new year.
Here is the notice in the Canadian Patent Office Record:
Under the provisions of subsection 14(2) of the Patent Rules, notice is hereby given that the 2014 examination will be held on April 8, 9, 10, and 11, 2014. A person who proposes to sit for the examination must notify the Commissioner of Patents in writing, file an affidavit or statutory declaration referred to in subsection 12(2) of the Patent Rules and pay the prescribed fee ($200 per paper). The deadline to apply, submit the affidavit or statutory declaration and pay the fee is November 29, 2013. When applying, it is essential to indicate which paper(s) will be written.
Please note that we accept applications sent by either fax or mail. We will not accept applications received by email.
The proposed changes to the Patent Rules for the examinations were published in the Canada Gazette in September 2012 (see my blog post) and comments solicited. I’ve heard that the final versions of the amended Patent Rules will likely be registered in 2014. Although I note that last year I predicted that the changes would be coming in 2013.
CIPO has published a list of requirements for the Qualifying Exam Affidavit.