Many of the intellectual properties proceedings in Canada are litigated in the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal. I have created the following list of proceedings based on listings provided by the Federal Courts website.
The Federal Court identifies the ‘type’ of proceeding (such as ‘Patent Infringement’) which can be used to identify IP proceedings but this is often incomplete because some PM(NOC) applications are coded as generic Judicial Reviews rather than as specifically IP. I have attempted to compensate for this by creating my own list of frequent PM(NOC) litigants and flagging those as IP regardless of the Federal Courts listing. The Federal Court occasionally incorrectly codes proceedings, such as marking proceedings as ‘patent’ when they are clearly a trade-mark proceeding – I have not corrected these errors – which affects the summary statistics contained below.
- Number of proceedings by type
- List of Federal Court proceedings
- List of Federal Court of Appeal proceedings
Return to other litigation statistics.
[Lists generated on January 1, 2025]
Number of Proceedings
Number of Proceedings | % of IP | Type |
IP Federal Court Proceedings Year To Date
File No. | Style of Cause | Proceeding Type | Date Started | Firms* |
IP Federal Court Appeal Proceedings Year To Date
File No. | Style of Cause | Proceeding Type | Date Started | Firms* |
- Firms – The firms listed are either the plaintiff firm as listed by the Federal Court or the firms as can (automatically) be identified as appearing on any hearings.
- Proceedings status – For each proceeding the current status as can best be (automatically) determined is listed. This is based on an automatically review of the docket entries for each proceeding.
- Patented Medicine – Medicinal ingredients are based on automated analysis and should not be relied upon.
Lists generated on January 1, 2025